2018 September 9 fly-in

Eighth Annual Fly in at Stanstead/Weller CTQ2

Can you believe it- 60 planes flew in to our fly in Sunday September 9, 2018!  One RV flew up from NYC, flew over and back to NYC, as CTQ2 does not yet have CANPASS.  Here  are some   photos.

from Nils Jensen showing some of visiting airplanes.

George Weller (red cap) talking with COPA President Bernard Gervais about CANPASS possibility for CTQ2

An Antonov AN2 at 1,100HP our largest attendee.  Some said that a good flyin has about 25 planes attending and a major flyin has about 50.  We had 60 planes flying in this event.

Weller’s picnic area with its anti theft table.
Cook John Weller (red cap) and helper cooking Beefalo burgers

I wonder how many will come  Saturday September 7, 2019 to our next fly in ???

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