Building an ice house and collecting ice

John Weller working to cut lumber from logs at our sawmill.

We picked out a location between our saw mill and a pond. Here two WWOOF’ers and son John start digging holes for tamarack 6×6 posts. I bulldozed the area pretty flat with a small slope so water from melting ice will drain back toward pond. The post locations were carefully marked with small wire flags. It is important to measure all dimensions and have equal diagonal measurements.

WWOOF’ers Jonathan and Remy ready to dig holes with a post hole digger while John lines up determines location.
George and john Weller building the ice house with wood cut in our saw mill shown in the distance.
George ready for more wood.
George and John putting up more wood.
Ice house nearly finished.
Ice house location between pond and saw mill in distance.

After clearing the snow off the ice with an ATV with a snow blade, we begin cutting ice with a chain saw. The ice is 16 inches thick.

John cutting ice with chain saw.
WWOOF’er Marco Raygoza Lifting out ice block.

Lifting out an ice block with tongs made from an old disc harrow frame, a rod and wood dowel cover for a handle using an image found on the net for a concept. Lifting the handle pulls the picks together.

Accumulating ice blocks.
John and WWOOF’er Marco lifting a haevy ice block onto our ATV trailer.

Placing the blocks of ice in the new ice house with sawdust from our sawmill. Perhaps we can sell tours this summer showing old technologies, our trout pond and its nursery, and including walking tours in the woods and airport.

Starting to place ice blocks.
George Weller watching while Marco and John unload and stack new ice blocks.
John Weller placing heavy ice blocks in the new ice house.
John cutting ice with our chain saw.
John pulling out ice blocks.

Here is a link to a short video of getting ice:

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